Four black and white pictures


I wanted to show four black and white pictures. When I began to write this post, I hadn’t any particular idea, just to display some photo I shot during this years. I will do the same with some focused themes, but at this moment I just wanted to show those. They had already been seen in Flickr by lots of people, but as long as you haven’t seen them yet, the idea is working perfectly.

First pic is simply a moment in a rainy day in Valencia. We’ve had a really mild winter, but suddenly Spring turned grayer and colder. Not terribly, however.

Rainy day, by Archerphoto, photographer in Spain.
Rainy day.

My second picture is a compressed view of Madrid. I am beginning to like the city. It’s being slow, however, because I’ve always liked Barcelona much more. However, this pic would look better the bigger.

Madrid, from Archerphoto, professional photographer

Walking around all day with a camera pays off. A dumpster, a Samsung NX1000 and a wonderful Minolta Rokkor F1.2 and, well, the results are there.

Broken, by Archerphoto, professional photographer
Broken in a dumpster


My fourth picture didn’t had much interest in Flickr. I like the result, showing old London and the new constructions behind. Kind of having everything well acquainted to look to the future.

Barge from the Thames, London by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Barge from the Thames

I am a professional photographer. If you need pictures, please contact me: or +34 644459753 (Whatsapp and Telegram available).

7 tips to look better in pictures

7 tips to look better in pictures

Here are some tips to look better in pictures. Perhaps many will seem obvious, but it’s likely that some of them is new to you.

7 tips to look better in pictures

1. Do not fear the camera. They don’t even have teeth. Many people are intimidated by the camera. They look at the gear and feel panic at the glass eye that haunts them. They say things like “I always look bad in camera.” That’s not true, but if you look with fear or distrust, guess what … Exactly that: you look fear-faced and distrusting. This way it is difficult to look fine. Look at the gesture face other people when you shoot them if they look scared or just look in the mirror, making that faces. Bad business.
2. Look directly at the target. If you want to look good in the picture, that probably will help. If you are heading the camera to your neck, then your neck is pictured. If you are moving like a monkey, you may appear moved or with a facial expression less than standard. And keep your focus in the camera. It is usually a short while and will be worth. If you don’t, it may capture you out looking at somebody’s ass someone or answering a joke.
3. Keep a relaxed pose. You may not know how to pose. There’s nothing serious. Stay more or less straight and don’t tenses each muscles of your body. Think the photo is a bus you want to climb and fancy that bus. That will help your attitude is positive and do not adopt strange poses. Really, it does not hurt.

7 tips to look better in pictures
Gema in 2014

4. Avoid make pictures with a huge amount of alcohol or similar. If you are baked, your eyes and your facial and bodily expression will be revealing. Furthermore, if you show the pic, then everyone will know. Yes, it can be fun, but that’s not how look good. Small details like the dislocated jaw, eyes bloodshot or a trickle of drool falling from the corner of your lips are probably things you want to avoid.
5. If you have the previous overcome tricks (come on, is not so difficult), you can try to read the letters and numbers that appear in the lens. It’s not magic, and when you notice your brow wrinkled, have to relax the expression, but this will give strength to the look, and often it helps to improve the final result.
6. If you are by yourself in the picture, try to offer a three-quarter profile. This is slightly tilted to one side. It is usually more interesting than full front face, but if you are going to make several photos, shoot in all perspectives and choose later.
7. Try to find a person who knows about photography. Sometimes you can pick the person you give the camera and you can give him or her some idea. If you are in backlight or somewhere with too much shade, probably pic won’t show as you’d like. Try to find sites without intense sun and where no shadows are made in the face. People who know something about photography probably try to get creative. That can give great results and that may also bring terrible photographic disasters. Settle an agreement to choose together the photos you will be showing.

7 tips to look better in pictures
Angela in 2012


With these tips you can improve the outcome of your photos every day. Obviously, if you are to make pictures with a specific purpose, there is much more to tell, but this should be enough for snapshots of any day. And if you need professional, good pictures, I am a professional photographer. Contact Me in :)

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Estas fotos están en mi Flickr. Puedes ver todas las fotos aquí:

Whatsapp Free Voice Calling and hidden costs

Whatsapp Free Voice Calling is already available (Android first, Windows and iOS will be available soon) and allows IP calls. This new feature will probably increase the number of times you phone, but there is a factor to consider. In case anyone had not raised: data consumption goes for both the sender and the receiver of the call. This may seem obvious, it is not, because almost everyone call when you have Wi-Fi available, but the callee is probably 3 or 4G.

Whatsapp Free Voice Calling and hidden costs

However, data consumption is quite low: A five minute call is 0.75 MB. But it is worth have it in mind. There are some web that made the numbers: (in Spanish)

Whatsapp Free Voice Calling and hidden costs

If you need a professional photographer in Europe, please contact me:

This article is also available in Spanish in


Photography for dancers and ballerinas

Dance photography Spain, Archerphoto

Photography for dancers and ballerinas

Photography for dancers

Ballerinas and dancers are probably the most grateful work for a professional photographer. All kind of dancers are really interesting, each discipline has its own charms to offer. While photographers needs special efforts to get the results,  the vision, if correctly executed will offer harmony, detail, subtlety and energy. When one begins to process photos related to dance, if things went fairly well, has time available to choose among many possibilities.

Obviously, for optimum results it is essential looking for a full set of details: makeup, costumes, position, attitude and self-criticism of all team members are factors that help a lot to end up having a good finish. In my case, here I have shown some pictures of Judith and Ava, who have different profiles: Judit is a jazz dancer and many other styles, and Ava, who is younger, and is a classical ballerina. Finally, a picture from Dominique Gerdum, a fitness athlete.

Photography for dancers and ballerinas - Archerphoto, dance photography Spain
Ava Meade, ballerina


Photography for dancers and ballerinas
Ava Meade – Ballet and contemporary dance.
Dance photography Spain, Archerphoto
Ava Meade

In photography for dancers is not only important to the whole person during the dance, but there are many details in different moments-such as warming up, placing the pointe shoes or makeup – that can be cause for great pictures.

Actually, video can also be even more interesting for the dancers, and here is a sample of one of the work I did in this line. Not exactly affordable for everyone, but it illustrates the capabilities of the interpreter. The video illustrates the evolution of learning. In the first step, clumsy, but Judit will then deftly showing the different styles in which he is an expert.

D. from Sergi Albir on Vimeo.

Photography for dancers and ballerinas
Photography for dancers and ballerinas – Judit Triguero, jazz and salsa.

If you’ve decided you need a portfolio, mail me to or give us a call -or send Whatsapp or Telegram message- in work hours to +34 6444 5 9753. Puedes ver muestras en la galería. Portfolio for ballerinas, dancers and actresses, professional or amateur.

My flickr has lot of pics: one a day

Photography for dancers and ballerinas
Dominique Gerdum – Fitness dancing

Galavant: musical comedy in Valencia

Photography is my profession, but TV series are one of my most notable hobbies. Lately I’ve noticed a new one placed theoretically in Valencia. Name’s Galavant, created by Dan Fogelman (Tangled) and features Joshua Sasse, Timothy Omundson, Mallory Jansen, Karen David and Vinnie Jones (yes, that ex-footballer gotten actor and go, he’s quite fun). It’s a comedy with many musical performances, with scores by the awesome Alan Menken. This gentleman has eight oscars, author of music for films like The Little Mermaid (The Little Mermaid), Aladdin, Pocahontas … Well, the lyrics -courtesy of Fogelman-, even though the music is by Menken,  are more adult focused, with a few touches of black humor, going much further than Tangled lyrics went. Galavant has some great actors and interesting cameos, like Rutger Hauer (yes, the replicant from Blade Runner, remember that “All those moments will be lost like tears in the rain. Time to die” line?), Al Yankovic (maybe you know him by some parodies he has done, give it a try:

I’m telling you all this because the series is interesting but the real relationship with Valencia is nonexistent. So there are some outdoor takes where you’re can see some towers, but they do not coincide with any of the currently existent in Valencia. So I put a couple of photos of the actual Valencia towers and a screenshot of Galavant just in case anyone wants to compare.

I have not found special resemblance between the towers appear and the actual look of Valencia at any time in its history. Valencia is in the mouth of the Turia River, but since the time of the Arab presence in Valencia irrigation ditches dwindled much the volume of river waters. Except in times when overflowed, it has never had the flow that appears in the TV series.

Galavant, Serranos and Quart towers

The appearance of Valencia in 1400 should be around this, according to an engraving of the time. Nothing to do with the way they appear in the series, despite little historical accuracy, is highly recommended.

Galavant, screenshot
Galavant screenshot, ABC Television Network property

The appearance of Valencia in 1400 should be around this, according to an engraving of the time. Nothing to do with the way they appear in the series, despite little historical accuracy, is highly recommended.

Valencia in 1356
Valencia in 1356


Torres de Quart, Valencia
Quart Towers, Valencia
Torres de Quart, Valencia
Quart Towers, Valencia
Galavant, torres de Serrans y Quart
Quart Towers, Valencia
Torres de Serrans, Valencia
Serrans Towers, Valencia
Torres de Serrans, Valencia
Serrans Towers, Valencia

Finally, you can take a look at the trailer of the series. See if you like it as much as I do. By the way, it’s been renewed for a second season:

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer in Spain. You can contact me with an e-mail to , phoning me or sending me a message, Whatsapp or Telegram in office hours to +34 6444 5 9753.  More pics in my gallery. Images for businesses, corporate pictures, headshots and all kind of photography you may need.

Materials: looking closely

Repairs, by Archerphoto, commercial photographer

It is not uncommon in waiting times, or when you go walking around the street with a camera in hand you find different materials that may be of interest to get a photo. Sometimes they can be used for assembly or make sense per se.

Materials: looking closely

Often, as a photographer, I simply take the photo and then, at home, I’ll see if it makes any sense. And “after” may be when well passed four years. Sure, it’s not always so, but the fact that I have saved and classified pictures properly helps a lot, especially when I have to design a poster or some work with more than an image. What is problematic, I admit, is getting all pictures and videos stored and properly tagged. For a couple of years’m using specific software for classification and tagging and helps dramatically: it increases the profitability of the work already done, but then the trouble to go tagging everything I’ve done over the years that did not have those programs is far from over.

Returning to the photographic subject, different materials can provide interesting textures: wood, glass, metal … In many cases have a macro lens will help but is not essential. A simple 50 1.4 can help a lot.

Materials. Stone. By Archerphoto, pro photographer in Valencia.
Wood and screw, by Archerphoto, commercial photographer in Spain
Wood and screw
Materials. Broken glass, by Archerphoto, professional photographer.
Broken glass
Materials, by Archerphoto, photographer for businesses in Spain
Sand, water and a shell
Rusted metal by Archerphoto, commercial and corporate photographer in Spain.
Rusted metal

Finally, after a few examples,  a little extra information about me. I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. Usually working in Valencia (Spain) but I go almost anywhere whether to take pictures. You can contact by mail to,  Telegram, or Whatsapp or +34 644459753. Sometimes I don’t pick up the phone because I’m taking photos and I only have one pair of hands.

Five tips for your profile picture in Linkedin

It is pretty obvious that Linkedin is a business network. So if there is a place where appearances are important it is there. A controversial appearance can make you lose a job that aspires or a customer decides not hire your company to appear unprofessional.

Five tips for your profile picture in Linkedin



Five tips for your profile picture in Linkedin

1. Choose a positive image. Except that you must prove that you are hell’s human resources director, you should not use a photo that you seem angry. Avoid aggressive looks of concern to the observer. If you use that kind of photo people seeing your profile will have very little desire to make any deals with you. Best if you smile.

2. A personal image. This means  no dogs, no logo of your company as unique id, and forget completely that idea of a photo of your child, your niece or your cousin. You. They want to know who you are. You can also save a group photo.

3. A professional image. We’ve got to be alone and reasonably positive picture. Now discard all those photos that you are under intoxication or other. A little decorum does not hurt, and if visitors to your site think they’re too prone to bebercio or drugs will feel somewhat unsafe to put their money with you.

4. A well-made image. It is not necessary that you show the world’s best portrait of the year, but a professional photographer will do a good portrait. Save yourself poor focused, blurred, distorted or neglected. The work of a professional is available. You can get an affordable session and it will be a profitable investment. Try to be critical of the image you want to use: the fact your brother-in-law has bought a new SLR camera won’t get you good photos if he is not really great. And please do not use that picture you did at the wedding of someone, that will present you with a little acceptable appearance.

5. A recent image. All Right. Everyone says that in 2008 that picture came out great. It is true that you have gained, you no longer have a mustache, you have a new nose and  you have no longer these hairs, but, uh, you look like Tom Selleck. Nope. Not working. The photo must be recent and a normal person should be able to recognize you smoothly.

Some of these tips can be applied to many of the photographs that you want your customers to see, and Linkedin, and on your website or on your Facebook, but that depends, of course your common sense.

Obviously I can give more advice, but it is also true that I am a photographer and am dedicated to making professional portraits, among other things. So if you need photos is not a bad idea you contact me and concert an appointment. Working mainly in Valencia (Spain), but I will go almost anywhere when needed. You can send an email to or send me an Whatsapp or Telegram at +34 644459753, or even call me, because when  I’m shooting I won’t take the phone.

Night Shots

Night Lights Valencia

Night Shots

There are things you can not avoid. For me night shots are kind of a hard addiction to overcome. It is true that I am carrying  the camera often, but  night it has that special charm: it’s a little more difficult taking pictures in low light because you often have to be careful with the shutter speed, but, in return, using large openings gives us lights blurred in the background. A traffic light with daylight has little interest but becomes a green light at the bottom when the night has arrived.

Night shots, by by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain

Opportunities today’s cameras offer are not to be missed by photographers, both professional and amateurs, because it’s worth experimenting.

One of the curious things about night photography is the photographer suffers an influence which in most cases is negative: the color temperature of light sources –  especially streetlights- used to be too low because of the sodium vapor bulbs , which for a long time were the most efficient way to light up a city. The most efficient, yes, but the yellowish tone was extremely difficult to remove. At present they are being replaced by LED lighting, which is even more efficient and hardly affects the color that the camera and the human eye perceive.

Here is a photo illustration about changing light bulbs, and in the picture of the Port of Valencia you can find at the beginning you can also clearly see the difference between light sources color temperatures too low  for cameras to compensate automatically (approximately 2400K) and higher color temperature (between about 5400 and 6500 K, the whiter ones).

Night Shots: differences in color temperature
Night Shots: differences in color temperature

Car lights are also changing. The new xenon lights and LEDs give different temperatures at the car lights have been around for a few years. But sometimes the yellow tones themselves are much appreciated.

Dancing, by by Archerphoto, English speaking professional photographer in Valencia, Spain
Ava dancing at night
Rain in Finsbury Park, London. Night Photos by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Rain in Finsbury Park, London.
Night Shots and Speed. by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain
Night flares, by Archerphoto, English-speaking professional photographer
Night flares

If you want to see more night shots, you can take a look in

If you need a professional photographer, you can contact me:, +644459753 Corporaste pictures, portraits, model portfolios and other images . I work in Valencia, London, Madrid, Barcelona and wherever you call me :)


Cameras and photographers

It’s a fact that photographer make the pictures and  cameras are just tools.  A camera, for good or bad it is, will have the results determined by what the person has in his hands get. So most times the camera is not the differentiating factor. That said, a Spanish web, released a study based on the EXIF ​​data from the cameras of World Press Photo 2015. Basic conclusions have been that – at least this year – Canon is sweeping the floor with competition. Specifically, EOS 5D Mark III is the camera which has gotten more winning photos.

Statistics and graphs
Statistics and graphs

Obviously, everyone likes to know that your camera is the one that has been most successful (and myself), but beyond that, most professional photographers agree that Canon and Nikon and obtain very similar results when we speak of images.

Cameras and photographers. Why Canon is taking the upper hand?

Now, I have tended to always keep the theory that the fact that Canon, in general, is less expensive and there is more supply in resale. And I have often seen the professionals working with Canon. So when we talk about professional use, has results like these. The second prize is for EOS 1D X, a camera even better than the 5D Mark III, but much more expensive. The 5D Mark II, an earlier model of Canon, takes third place. Nikon takes very little, Apple takes a prize with an iPhone and Sony is notably absent. I do find remarkable the presence of Olympus and their EVILs. The 5D Mark III has just seen announced its successors, the 5Ds and 5DR, but the general impressions, so far, are new EOS are not as bright as the two previous models, despite the impressive 50 megapixel camera that can capture. We’ll see if the new cameras quickly replace the Mark III.

As I say, what matters is not usually the camera. With a humble Ixus 40 can be made interesting pictures. Well, actually I already can not. Lens got jammed and never got back to life.

Archerphoto, photographer in Spain

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