Season’s Greetings 2015

Season's Greetings 2015As I have never felt particularly comfortable about Christmas, I thought celebrating the holidays in general was more appropriate. And it is respectful about different beliefs and cultures, so I am inclined to that option. If I had made mention Hannukah, Christmas, Yule, Saturnalia, Pancha Ganapati, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice or Festivus (this is Seinfeld’s) I would have filled the image of letters and it had looked worse, so with that I am satisfied .

Season’s Greetings 2015

In any case, I wish for all my friends, readers, occasional visitors, customers and anyone reading these lines a Merry Christmas 2015. The subsequent years, as might be expected, I’ll be congratulating when the ideal moment is approaching.

The same, in Spanish:

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