7 tips to look better in pictures

Here are some tips to look better in pictures. Perhaps many will seem obvious, but it’s likely that some of them is new to you.

7 tips to look better in pictures

1. Do not fear the camera. They don’t even have teeth. Many people are intimidated by the camera. They look at the gear and feel panic at the glass eye that haunts them. They say things like “I always look bad in camera.” That’s not true, but if you look with fear or distrust, guess what … Exactly that: you look fear-faced and distrusting. This way it is difficult to look fine. Look at the gesture face other people when you shoot them if they look scared or just look in the mirror, making that faces. Bad business.
2. Look directly at the target. If you want to look good in the picture, that probably will help. If you are heading the camera to your neck, then your neck is pictured. If you are moving like a monkey, you may appear moved or with a facial expression less than standard. And keep your focus in the camera. It is usually a short while and will be worth. If you don’t, it may capture you out looking at somebody’s ass someone or answering a joke.
3. Keep a relaxed pose. You may not know how to pose. There’s nothing serious. Stay more or less straight and don’t tenses each muscles of your body. Think the photo is a bus you want to climb and fancy that bus. That will help your attitude is positive and do not adopt strange poses. Really, it does not hurt.

7 tips to look better in pictures
Gema in 2014

4. Avoid make pictures with a huge amount of alcohol or similar. If you are baked, your eyes and your facial and bodily expression will be revealing. Furthermore, if you show the pic, then everyone will know. Yes, it can be fun, but that’s not how look good. Small details like the dislocated jaw, eyes bloodshot or a trickle of drool falling from the corner of your lips are probably things you want to avoid.
5. If you have the previous overcome tricks (come on, is not so difficult), you can try to read the letters and numbers that appear in the lens. It’s not magic, and when you notice your brow wrinkled, have to relax the expression, but this will give strength to the look, and often it helps to improve the final result.
6. If you are by yourself in the picture, try to offer a three-quarter profile. This is slightly tilted to one side. It is usually more interesting than full front face, but if you are going to make several photos, shoot in all perspectives and choose later.
7. Try to find a person who knows about photography. Sometimes you can pick the person you give the camera and you can give him or her some idea. If you are in backlight or somewhere with too much shade, probably pic won’t show as you’d like. Try to find sites without intense sun and where no shadows are made in the face. People who know something about photography probably try to get creative. That can give great results and that may also bring terrible photographic disasters. Settle an agreement to choose together the photos you will be showing.

7 tips to look better in pictures
Angela in 2012


With these tips you can improve the outcome of your photos every day. Obviously, if you are to make pictures with a specific purpose, there is much more to tell, but this should be enough for snapshots of any day. And if you need professional, good pictures, I am a professional photographer. Contact Me in sergi@archerphoto.eu :)

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Estas fotos están en mi Flickr. Puedes ver todas las fotos aquí: http://flickr.com/photos/archerphoto

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