Central Park of Valencia

Central Park of Valencia

Singer Carlos Gardel said “Que 20 años no es nada” (“20 years is nothing). Gardel was not Valencian, but of course, the arrival of this Central Park would have seemed something to him, because it has taken 30 years to become a reality since its planning. The first difficulty was that the space that part of the city was owned by RENFE (Spain national railway company). The second is that the plans included the burying of the railway tracks, a really important work in any place and more in Valencia, where the water table is very high and as soon as you make a small hole you find water flowing. This can be explained by the engineers who had to deal with the construction of the underground lines in the capital of the Turia.

A view of the Central Park of Valencia on the day of the inauguration.
A view of the Central Park of Valencia on the day of the inauguration.

The delays of the Central Park of Valencia

The park did not arrive although the city had problems to fulfill the ratios of green zone recommended by the WHO, of between 10 and 15 square meters per inhabitant. Valencia remained at 5.64 in 2010 despite all the creation of parks and green areas since the 80s, when they came to include islets and roundabouts as green areas to make up the gloomy statistics. In 2003, an agreement was signed for the park, but local governments kept promising and not complying. American landscaper Kathryn Gustafson won a public contest in 2006 but in the constant discussions the project lost the four aparment towers of twenty-five floors. It would not be until 2015 when the works started.

Joan Ribó, José Luis Ábalos, Ximo Puig and Salvador Martínez Ciscar, visiting the Central Park on the day of its inauguration.

However, the project that opens today with 11 hectares of garden, with native species, sustainable, with colored lights, specific space for pets, water tanks and other details, constitutes approximately 40% of the total park. The garden will cost about 73 million euros once completed.  However the cost of burying the roads will exceed 3,000 million euros, specified the Spanish Minister of Development, José Luis Ábalos, at the opening of the park, present with Joan Ribó , mayor of the city, and Ximo Puig, president of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Figures and details

To follow a little with the figures, about 1000 trees, 85,000 bushes, old ships rebuilt and moved. An essential decontamination of the land was carried out, which was soaked with residues of fuel and oils. And problems of shortages of some materials, and conflicts with some expropriations of land, have made the park was not available until December 17, 2018. But since its opening Valencians have begun to visit this Central Park immediately.

After having seen these photos, we can talk about business. I’m Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you need images for your company, event, or for you, you can contact me with an email to sergi@archerphoto.eu . Also a Whatsapp at +34 644459753. You can also call me, but if I’m taking photos I do not release the camera).

A little more info in the article by my colleague Cristina Vázquez in El País.

Andrea Anton: Rinascere

Andrea Anton Rinascere,Lidia Gonzalez Regolf,Archerphoto


New designers are a bit unpredictable. You can not know what will be happen to a person who is releasing her first collection, but in the case of Andrea Anton the result was that one would expect from a long established professional. And a good one, because shooting her first collection was fabulous. Mostly. Clothes are great and it was extremely simple to adapt them to Lidia Gonzalez Regolf, who posed brilliantly, and the result was good. The session itself, with 35ºC in Valencia was, so to speak, less than comfortable.

Andrea Anton: Rinascere

Andrea is from Xàtiva and studied in Barreira, probably the best fashion school in Valencia and, probably one of the most important in Spain. I was taking pictures in the parade, but the idea above all was to create a lookbook with the collection, called Rinascere, showing an evolution of feelings after a breakup: from a moment of total darkness, surrounded by a Gothic theme, to transition moments until an irrepressible joy and happiness, everything supported by both the color range as floral accessories.

If we are not going to be so discreet, it was a bit hellish. If it had not been because we were all very committed to ensure that all work was perfect n each detail, it could have been a disaster. Too hot, hard work, many tests and many details.

But the clothes were excellent, spectacular complements, the ideas that we had planned worked perfectly and Lidia is a prodigy. She does not only look great but her attitude is outstanding: positive, cheerful and tireless. I like to clarify this because many models visit this blog looking for information and advice, and almost never write how much a good attitude contributes to the workflow.

Smiling, being nice and maintaining that tone throughout not always influence each photo session, but on the feelings of the team. If the session is short, nothing happens, but if you have to spend many hours the effect is multiplied.

Lidia González Regolf,Andrea Antón:Rinascere, Archerphoto, fotografía moda

Lidia González Regolf,Andrea Antón:Rinascere, Archerphoto, fotografía moda en Valencia

Lidia González Regolf,Andrea Antón:Rinascere, Archerphoto, fashion photography in Spain,Andrea Anton Rinascere

Lidia González Regolf,Andrea Antón:Rinascere, Archerphoto, fotografía moda

Lidia González Regolf,Andrea Antón:Rinascere, Archerphoto, fotografía moda

Lidia González Regolf,Andrea Antón:Rinascere, Archerphoto, fotografía moda

Lidia González Regolf,Andrea Antón:Rinascere, Archerphoto, fotografía moda, Andrea Anton Rinascere

I’ll post more photos on my Flickr, specifically in this gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/archerphoto/albums/72157670850903421

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. You can contact me at sergi@archerphoto.eu. My phone +34 644459753 has WhatsApp and Telegram, and if you want to know my twitter, @archerphoto.


A free documentary about Edward Weston

Edward Weston was a key figure to understand photography in America. One of the most celebrated and appreciated photographers with a certain influence about the artists who came afterwards, Weston dedicated about 40 years of his life to the camera.

Born in Chicago, Illinois, moved to California when he was 21 where practised a wide range of disciplines, basically  landscapes, still lifes, nudes and portraits. Weston is one of most appreciated artists in photography, especially in America, where he worked, dedicating his interest to common things and landscapes. These common elements became interesting and aesthetically powerful through the eyes of Weston. Pumpkins, peppers, seashells… They were inspiring Weston, like waiting for him to create art from the vulgar, the ordinary, and letting him grow as an artist.

Online resources:


Gallery online:



Edward Weston: the greatest American photographer of his generation?


Valencia City Council

The Valencia City Council had remained inaccessible to the general public for many years until the recent arrival of Joan Ribó, the new Mayor. The style of government, based on proximity and setting clear differences with his predecessor, Rita Barbera, has brought available access to both tourists and Valencians themselves, when before they had access to the municipal building only in specific cases. Today, while there is a security for access, anyone can come and have a look, even out on the balcony overlooking the square.

The Valencia City Council is a building composed of two bodies: the House of Teachers, built in the eighteenth century and the front, built between the second and third decades of the twentieth century, with a pretentious style with neo-Renaissance and neo-baroque elements designed by Carlos Carbonell.


Ayuntamiento de Valencia

The architectural value of the building is not the point here, but the significance acquired by the virtual capacity of the visitor to the building. My particular interest is directly curiosity: I had gone in the building just and I was barely able to see anything. Being able to shoot there gets my attention. So here are the photos.

Ayuntamiento de Valencia
Desde el balcón.

Interior del edificio.

Two Stores

Two stores

I’ve seen a couple of stores in Valenciathat I have liked especially. They are Luna Nera, in Caballeros St, 15, and La Conserva, in Puerto Rico St., 22. The first one is a clothing and accessories shop that’s usually open at night. The area is full of pubs and restaurants, so the store can take advantage of the public who often stop by. It seems, after their card, there are several stores from the same chain, all in the province of Valencia.

Luna Nera































Two Stores - Photographer for business in Spain
Luna Nera































Two Stores - Photographer for business in Spain
Luna Nera































Two Stores - Photographer for business in Valencia, Spain
Luna Nera































La Conserva is Ruzafa neighborhood. It is a shop with decorative items. Most of them are recovered and rehabilitated, and the look of the store it’s also conceived with an excellent aesthetic sense. From my point of view, mesmerizing.

Two Stores - Professional photographer for business in Spain, Archerphoto.
La Conserva































La Conserva, por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en Valencia
La Conserva
















La Conserva. Foto de Sergi Albir, fotógrafo comercial en Valencia
La Conserva































None of these shops are my customers, I only asked for permission to take some pictures and, well, here they are.

If you want pictures, you can contact me via Whatsapp or Telegram in 6444 5 9753 or e-mail: sergi@archerphoto.eu. I am usually in Valencia, Spain, but I usually I move to whatever the place.

Top Model Agencies

Top Model Agencies

Best reputation model agencies in the world are in New York, but  many of them have offices in London, Paris, Milano and Tokyo. However, we are in the XXI century and most of these companies can operate worldwide with a couple of phone calls and e-mail. But decisions are made in New York. Yes, photos will be made anywhere on the planet. The list includes a few agencies that have a great reputation, but that does not mean other less famous agencies can also offer good service.

¿Cuáles son las mejores agencias de modelos del mundo?
Assaad Awad  catwalk in 2012, VFW
















DNA Models

Next Models

The Lions


Elite New York

Ford Models

Supreme Management


Major Model Management

Marilyn Model Mgmt

New York Model Management

Model Management

VNY Model Management

My name is Sergi Albir. I am a professional photographer, working mainly in Valencia, Spain, but I try to commute if necessary. If you need pictures, you can contact me via Whatsapp or Telegram, or call me at +34 6444 5 9753. You can also send an email to sergi@archerphoto.eu

Read this in Spanish

¿Cuáles son las mejores agencias de modelos del mundo?
Juan Vidal catwalk in Valencia Fashion Week, February 2011


Telling the Dreamhack is an event of global significance, well, is something that probably does not surprise too many people. It is not a single event but it happens several times a year. Is said to be the largest LAN party in the world with eSports events and video games in general.

Dreamhack Valencia 2014

In Valencia it has been taking place from the summer of 2010 and comes to replace Campus Party that generally had much more interesting content from the point of view of science and technology. However, the Dreamhack has many followers in the international arena, but it has not had much impact in the city of Valencia as expected. Signs along the street and the like, but the public does not attend mass. Surprisingly, many people in the target group like local players, or amateur video gamers ( young people under 30 years), have no idea that this happens a few miles from home.


From 17 to 20 July well-known casters as iNcontroL, ToD and Artosis, Tasteless or Smix flocked to submit the event to be broadcast live. We should highlight the games of Starcraft 2 and League of Legends, but this year they have also begun to be retransmitted other games like Hearthstone. In this competition Thalai,  from Samsung Gaming eSports team, won his first major trophy, leading also the debut of the team in major competitions against Ek0p. TheFallen and Evangelion also qualified for the finals, but fell in the way: TheFallen was beaten by  Ek0p and Evangelion against the other finalist, a member of his own team, and final winner, Thalai The tournament was like this: http://hearthstars.com/noticias/205-thalai-gana-la-dreamhack-valencia-2014

Thalai wins Dreamhack Valencia 2014
Thalai wins Dreamhack Valencia 2014

A little more information: Over Gaming took the trophy in League of Legends, MD | Luffy (Rose) to DIG | Ryan Hart Ultra Sagat in Street Fighter 4 and Starcraft 2 Sacscri beat MD. In CS: GO Epsilon Team LDLC defeated to clinch the win.

Casters: Artosis, ToD, Tasteless
Casters: Artosis, ToD, Tasteless

Smix in Dreamhack Valencia 2014
Smix in Dreamhack Valencia 2014


Thalai vs Ek0P
Thalai vs Ek0P

More pics in http://www.archerphoto.eu/dreamhack-valencia-2014/

Train Stations

Train Stations

Train stations have always caught the attention of photographers and painters. There are a thousand reasons: reunions, farewells, huge machines, travel, video movies and series, comics or books … But, for me, a main reason is probably because of a schoolmate, who remember constantly drawing trains-I suppose he would be doing more things, of course, but my childhood memories are rather scarce, and I guess I ended up acquiring part of his interests somehow. So as stations are attracting me as buildings with a very specific purpose, which also tend to maintain an aesthetic taste that beats the crap  airports, often designed far less visually.

Liverpool Street Station - Estaciones de tren
Liverpool Street Station, London

Interestingly, almost each time I’m  in a big station I feel familiar with the site: trains sooth me, airports often bring me the feeling that if I’m wrong with whatever nonsense the plane depart without me. Tube stations do not cause me so many feelings (although here I have also placed some photos). I’m explaining this just for the uncanny case someone had a special interest to know  how I feel about the Metropolitan Transportation …

Anyway, the train stations are, for me, quite attractive and I am not alone, so I’ve compiled some of my photos that item and / or location.

[slickr-flickr type=”gallery” search=”sets” set=”72157642336114225″]

Two second hand photography shops I like

Two second hand photography shops I like

Recently I went to London because I am considering seriously having part of my work in United Kingdom. It’s a great place, really dynamic city and I’ve got no administrative problems to go, so, it’s a piece of cake. However, I decided to visit one small second hand store that’s really near of the British Museum. Find the place and asked for a second hand Canon EF 135 f2. The guy there, with a smile, handed me a lens from his colleague: “10 minutes old”, he said. Well, I was shocked and finally got my lens. Happy ending.

And while I was having a coffee there with my sis (they don’t call it Aperture Camera Café for nothing) came to me the idea of making a post of such a lovely story. So I thought “well, this it’s been happening to me frequently at home”, and, well, I can tell similar histories from Angel, that’s the name of the guy in Valencia store. Angel has a much-more-chaotic-much-less-charming store, and certainly, he lacks some of the brilliant material Lond0n guys had (really jawdropping stuff, not kidding), but it has tons of steel old cameras that keep you looking no matter how often you visit. And he has got me some great stuff, but most of all, he’s really reliable.

second hand photography  shops


If he has a bad lens he will tell you: “it may be useful, but I don’t recommend you that. Wait and I will get something else”. It may pass some time, but when you come again, he really has the good stuff. I was somehow obsessed with a Canon 100-400 IS. Impressive lens. So expensive. He showed me a 200-400 from Tamron, great old lens that works impressively well with my EOS 5D Mark III for less than 1/6 of the price. I can tell you also about a Minolta 58mm F1.2 for less than 100 euros, and  things like that. So when I decided to write about a shop, I had to write about both of them.

Two second hand photography shops I like

Recently I went to London because I am considering seriously having part of my work in United Kingdom. It’s a great place, really dynamic city and I’ve got no administrative problems to go, so, it’s a piece of cake. However, I decided to visit one small second hand store that’s really near of the British Museum. Find the place and asked for a second hand Canon EF 135 f2. The guy there, with a smile, handed me a lens from his colleague: “10 minutes old”, he said. Well, I was shocked and finally got my lens. Happy ending.

And while I was having a coffee there with my sis (they don’t call it Aperture Camera Café for nothing) came to me the idea of making a post of such a lovely story. So I thought “well, this it’s been happening to me frequently at home”, and, well, I can tell similar histories from Angel, that’s the name of the guy in Valencia store. Angel has a much-more-chaotic-much-less-charming store, and certainly, he lacks some of the brilliant material Lond0n guys had (really jawdropping stuff, not kidding), but it has tons of steel old cameras that keep you looking no matter how often you visit. And he has got me some great stuff, but most of all, he’s really reliable.

second hand photography  shops


If he has a bad lens he will tell you: “it may be useful, but I don’t recommend you that. Wait and I will get something else”. It may pass some time, but when you come again, he really has the good stuff. I was somehow obsessed with a Canon 100-400 IS. Impressive lens. So expensive. He showed me a 200-400 from Tamron, great old lens that works impressively well with my EOS 5D Mark III for less than 1/6 of the price. I can tell you also about a Minolta 58mm F1.2 for less than 100 euros, and  things like that. So when I decided to write about a shop, I had to write about both of them.

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