Valencia City Council

The Valencia City Council had remained inaccessible to the general public for many years until the recent arrival of Joan Ribó, the new Mayor. The style of government, based on proximity and setting clear differences with his predecessor, Rita Barbera, has brought available access to both tourists and Valencians themselves, when before they had access to the municipal building only in specific cases. Today, while there is a security for access, anyone can come and have a look, even out on the balcony overlooking the square.

The Valencia City Council is a building composed of two bodies: the House of Teachers, built in the eighteenth century and the front, built between the second and third decades of the twentieth century, with a pretentious style with neo-Renaissance and neo-baroque elements designed by Carlos Carbonell.


Ayuntamiento de Valencia

The architectural value of the building is not the point here, but the significance acquired by the virtual capacity of the visitor to the building. My particular interest is directly curiosity: I had gone in the building just and I was barely able to see anything. Being able to shoot there gets my attention. So here are the photos.

Ayuntamiento de Valencia
Desde el balcón.
Interior del edificio.

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