2017 photo sessions

2017 photo sessions Victoria Archerphoto professional photographer spain Valencia Madrid

One of the purposes of a photographer’s website is to display the photos he or she does. If not, our pictures have much less public exposure. So from time to time I release some post in which I show some samples of the photo sessions I’ve been doing lately. They are not all I do, of course. Frequently clients want photos to be exclusively used for their promotional use. It is reasonable that some lawyers whom I’ve worked want to keep their images exclusively on their websites. I hope you like them.

2017 photo sessions

Sesiones de fotos en Valencia. Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Marisol
Marisol in València.
Sesiones de fotos en Valencia, Sergi Albir, Archerphoto.
Lucía before San Juan’s church.
Sesiones de fotos . Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Sofía.
Sofía at Gym Rafel X-Force.

In other cases, especially aspiring models, seeing themselves on a photographer’s website can come in handy: it encourages them and occasionally gets them some work.

Sesiones de fotos en Valencia. Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Gema.
Gema in black and white.

Photo sessions for everyone

As many people ask me, I will say that I am not only working for models or companies: if you want to have your personal portraits, whatever your profession, appearance or reason is, I will be happy to work for you. If you need, we will incorporate make-up and hairdressing. We can even look for costumes for your session, whether in studio or outdoors.

photo sessions 2017 professional photographer Valencia Spain
Sara in her photo session in 2017.
sesiones de fotos en 2017 . Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Marisol, sesiones de fotos en Valencia
Marisol, sports look.

I usually do photo sessions in València, Madrid, Castellón, Alicante and Barcelona, ​​but it is not uncommon for me to go anywhere else. If you are, I do not know, in Zaragoza, Tarragona, Vitoria or Seville, to say a few places, you can also call me to make a book or to photograph companies.

Contacting is simple: sergi@archerphoto.eu or a Whatsapp to +34 644459753 and we can talk. If you want to see my photos more regularly, the most practical thing is that you come here often (you can subscribe to the RSS) or pass by my Flickr, I usually upload photos every day: http: // flickr .com / photos / archerphoto .

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Making wine

Making wine by Archerphoto, professional photographer

I have always liked seeing pictures of people working. It is always interesting: watching how they did things in the past tells us many stories and gives us a perspective on where we are and where we come from. Without needing to be more transcendent, all this comes because, talking with my friend Arturo Blasco, we talked about the possibility of making a series of photos about a version of the winemaking process. Specifically, a process that is somewhat more traditional than the one usually done conventionally, because at Bodegas La Purísima, which is the company where he currently works, they would dedicate an effort to produce one of these wines and he would direct the operation. So I went with him, I spent a day in Yecla (Murcia) seeing how they carried out the whole process.

Making wine in Yecla, Murcia, by Sergi Albir professional photographer Spain
Felipe Martínez checks the state of the selected vineyards.
Grape in Yecla, Murcia, Spain by Archerphoto, professional photographer
Forcallat is one of the varieties of Yecla, Murcia..

Making wine in Yecla, Murcia, by Archerphoto, professional photographer

Making wine

Depending on the weather, sugar level in the grape and other factors, it is determined when the harvest is due. One of those factors that Arturo told me about is polyphenolic maturity. This maturity determines the quality of the grape. It is necessary to evaluate if the color is present and if the nugget when biting it is crunchy and without astringency. Arturo prefers to take the grape to the mouth and chew it. In this way, he says that it is like seeing a color photograph of what the wine will be.

Making wine in Spain by Archerphoto, professional photographer, commercial photographer Spain
Making wine. The vintage is made in a rather traditional way.

In this regard, if collected too far in advance the wine that is obtained will have a lower graduation. This, which for anyone would be only a detail, for the farmer has a key importance: the price is fixed in a significant part by the degrees of alcohol. In this way, when the grapes enter the cooperative, this variable is measured.

Making wine in Spain by Archerphoto, professional photographer
Mariano receives the grapes and makes the relevant checks to determine the price per kilogram.

Archerphoto, professional photographer for business

After transportation

Once the grape is in the cooperative begins the process of elaboration: in ancient times the grape was treading, but today mechanical processes are used. In the case of the grape ink, falling into the hopper goes to a crusher. This paste is pumped to its final destination so that the skin and nuggets get better contact with the must. In this way wine acquires color and body. Hence, in this case, it was sent to a couple of small vats, on which will work later.

From must to wine by Archerphoto, professional photographer
From left to right, Oscar Soriano, Felipe Martínez and Arturo Blasco about to pass the must to one of the vats.
From must to wine in Bodegas La Purísima by Archerphoto, professional photographer
The process of filling the vats with the previous protagonists.

These vats, which I was told were small for the industrial volumes they usually work with, had a capacity of about 300 liters.

Dry ice

Once in the vats, Arturo wanted to lower the temperature to 5ºC. This way the fermentation does not start yet, and thus the mix is acquiring color and aromas. To lower the temperature in a plastic tank has been forced to use dry ice (carbon dioxide in solid form, which is about -60 ° C). When carbon dioxide comes into contact with the must, it goes from solid to gaseous state immediately. The high concentration of this gas, makes a mist appear that offers really impressive images. The process is quite spectacular, and although it seems to be doing something more typical of a Harry Potter movie, he’s only making sure there are no thermal differences between the surface and the inside.

Arturo Blasco virtiendo hielo seco en una de las cubas.
Arturo Blasco pouring dry ice into one of the vats.
Arturo Blasco, enólogo, haciendo vino.
Not Harry Potter. Dry ice is used in both industrial and film making.

The must is left to macerate from that moment, and will begin to become wine. During the process most of the residue will be deposited in the bottom and ready to be filtered and bottled. Or to transfer it to the barrel.

Acknowledgements and contact

By the way, if you are interested in knowing more wine, Arturo writes in El Correo del Vino. It is imperative for me to thank him, not only for having taught me the process, but also because he has lent me a helping hand, proving that I did not commit any important wrongs by telling this. Here you can take a look at his articles related to oenology: http://www.elcorreodelvino.net/seccion/index/72. Also Felipe Martinez was explaining in detail each part of the elaboration.

I’m Sergi Albir. I am a professional photographer (you could say also a commercial photographer, if you like it better) and if you need portraits, videos or anything, you are in Valencia, Madrid, Edinburgh or Tierra del Fuego, and you want to contact me, an email to sergi@archerphoto.eu is the fastest way to find me. Well, and a Whatsapp to +34 644459753. Both things are worth it.

Carrusel Deportivo: pictures of radio people

It’s been many years on the radio. I just love it. I have done many hours and I have had enough fun. I walked around Madrid and called Miguel Coll to lunch. Bad luck, because he was leaving for Alicante. But he asked me if I wanted to get to the studio to taking photos the next day to Carrusel Deportivo, which in case anyone does not know, is the most important sports program in Spain. Actually, probably the most important program in Spain. Period. And, uh, I had never been to the studios of Gran Vía de la SER, so I did not hesitate to go see the team led by Dani Garrido. Juan Ochoa, Ponseti …

Dani Garrido in SER studios, in Madrid, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain.
Dani Garrido.

I love taking pictures of people working. And especially with radio people, because, in addition to being very expressive and intense, they can not escape. They’re sitting around doing stuff, buddy, and that, that’s great for a photographer. You know they will fall, at one time or another, in an interesting gesture, a look, a hand, a breath, a smile … Like fishing in a barrel. Well I think. Fishing and I run parallel paths. I have never been interested and the times when, as a child, they tried to make me fish, the failure was discouraging.

Anyway, I went to the studios of Gran Vía to Madrid to do a lot of photos on Saturday, February 18, 2017 and I really enjoyed watching both these cracks work and shooting freely there. Both they and the technical team are undoubtedly the best of Spanish radio, and also people who have a splendid work environment, despite how complicated it is to run such a program.

Carrusel Deportivo: pictures of radio people

As I told you, here you have the pictures, all of the processed in black and white just because I felt like that.

My name is Sergi Albir. I’m a professional photographer. If you want to contact me, sergi@archerphoto.eu, o +34 644459753.

Copyright Sergi Albir 2017



If someone asks me, I usually say that “running is cowardly”. A few months ago they helped me with the phrase, complementing it. So now I say that “running is cowardly and guilty”. Well, once the inevitable joke is made, I can tell you that I was working with some friends, writing content for SuamSport, its application, which is really interesting.



The application consists of several parts: on the one hand is an exhaustive race search engine in Spain. Not only you can look for them, but you have the right information and filter them according to our needs. So far it would not be bad, but the app will train us. It will recommend us adequate exercises to be competitive in these races or just to get in shape. Don’t say goodbye! We’re not finished yet! It will teach us how to do those exercises properly with athlete videos developed and supervised by professionals, which focuses on critical points (but only in them, avoiding us a huge speech about the critical importance of psoas stretching related to the fourth vertebra). A couple of phrases per exercise and a short video that loads VERY fast on your mobile (they are optimized precisely for that), and you are ready.


SuamSport, iOS and Android

SuamSport is available for iOS and Android and you can try it in beta already. What have I done? Videos and photos. What should you do? Install the app now and try it out. After that, surely you will end up telling a friend that whenever you see is running from one side to another, preparing a marathon or something worse. And, uh, they also have a website with additional content.

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Edit photos with free software: GIMP

No one doubts that Photoshop is today the key reference in image editing. Many photographers, including myself, are using Lightroom instead of conventional Photoshop. Lightroom is another Adobe product. They are not really helping much to clarify things with their products’ naming: it is official name is Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

But if, like me, you have several computers and you are not willing to pay one license for each of them, and you still want to have software completely legal, I can recommend GIMP. It is a free software, very powerful, that is a step behind Photoshop. This may sound like “bah, it’s worse, I will not settle”, but anyone who has put their hands on Photoshop realizes that you can work with previous versions without problem. GIMP can make your photos better. And you can begin in minutes. Of course, they provide complete help documentation and a community of users quite friendly.

Edit photos with free software: GIMP

Edit photos with free software: GIMP

Working with GIMP is equivalent to that, working with an earlier version. It also has small differences in some nomenclatures and locations, but it is about details. It is easy to find the way to work with this system that is also multiplatform. We can treat photos on Windows, Linux or MacOS. GIMP is being updated with the contributions of programmers from all over the world who are interested in free software, so it stays competitive with the passage of time. GIMP is not the only free software available for photo editing, but it’s one of the most interesting. It is quite ready to professional use, and I myself have used it as a professional photographer when I have needed it. Currently I have installed GIMP on all computers, but I will probably use it more on the computer that I am preparing with Linux.

Edit photos with free software: GIMP

Some issues are a bit different, such as the fact that instead of “Save As” most of the options to convert the format of photographs should be carried out like “Export”. Mostly minor issues. Lots of options and many professional photography tools. I miss the possibility of working in 16 bits, but it is something that is not even used by all professionals. However, it is still announced that this feature will be available for a later version.

Downloading GIMP is simple: https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ and is safe. In short, a good free alternative to Photoshop.

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you need photos in Spain, or anywhere, we can talk. My email is sergi@archerphoto.eu and my phone is +34 644 459 753. Whatsapp available.

Do not read from here

Really. This is just to insist that I am a photographer but I also do videos for companies and individuals, as well as content marketing, SEO and things like that in Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Alicante, London or Bratislava. Both in the videos and in the photos I can organize the complete work. From the design of the session to the production of the same, including professional makeup, clothing and hairdressing, to the elaboration of complete campaigns, for both businesses and NGOs. For these things I use both conventional software and free software. The best result. Here are some samples: http://www.archerphoto.eu/produccion-audiovisual/

Green! Verd! Verde! 绿色

Green. Copyright Sergi Albir 2015

It is time to upload a few pictures with the green as the protagonist. Okay, a lot of floor and all that, but it’s only logical. Green meant death for Lorca, but for almost everyone else it has very different implications. In fact, just the opposite, vitality, exuberance and even energy, by its intensity. In any case, this post is only an excuse to choose a little of what I feel like teaching. Interestingly, it is probably the color, along with the yellow, more scarce in my photos. I hope no one has chlorophyll intoxication …

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A few leaves of any tree.

Hojas verdes, por Archerphoto, fotógrafo en España

A snake.


Green Park, London.

Verde en Green Park, Londres

Takumar 50 1.4 and EOS 5D Mark II. Please do not this at home. Do not do this at home: the mirror touches the lens and can be damaged, so I had to buy another 50 1.4, this time from Canon …
Verde, por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en España
Takumar 50 1.4 and EOS 5D Mark II.  Again. I was too eager of using this lens and the camera could have been damaged, but I was lucky. Not willing to give it another try.

Jugando con el Takumar 50 1.4

A pic shot with my NX500 strictly overprocessed. But, eh, I liked the idea and the result is funny. A simple led light under a damaged glass with some experimental mojito in it and, voilà, you’ve got a pic to exaggerate in Lightroom. Being a photographer is sometimes great…

Green light

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you have to contact me, a Whatsapp or Telegram at +34 6444 5 9753 or an email to sergi@archerphoto.eu is enough for us to start working. I am a photographer in Valencia, but I work where necessary.

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

Correfoc in Moraira, Spain.

A few days ago a friend reminded me on Facebook it’s years we knew each other. I searched some photos of that day and found, among many others, a few of a correfoc. So I thought to process them and upload them here.

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

The context, of course, are the loca festivities of Moraira (Alicante, Spain). In this case, the correfoc was held on July 17 and do not remember anyone coming out hurt or the like. In fact, despite the appearance, it is performed by people who are dedicated continuously (and in many cases professionally) to these events, so they walk, jump and perform their show, but not as in other events as I can be a cordà, in which participants firecrackers are shot to each other.

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

Overall, for what I know, in the Marina Alta region they are particularly popular, and also in some Valencian or Catalan towns and in the Balearic Islands. I am not an expert, but they seem to come from the Balls de Diables (Dance of Devils), a 12th century tradition.

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

Either way, they are interesting to document and aesthetically appealing. The festive atmosphere is evident and one can only wonder how in the month of July there are people willing to wear all necessary protection to avoid burning (although they feel the extra heat from fire). I think it was in a T-shirt and I was sweating a lot. The popular host is usually very good. You can find in the photos some curious uniforms (those of curious prints), which belong to the festeros (each year a squad is organising the festivities, those are the festeros) who were particularly close to each spark.

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

Correfoc: Moraira 2009

If you need professional photography services or video you can contact me with Whatsapp or Telegram in +34 644459753 or by e-mail: sergi@archerphoto.eu . I am Sergi Albir. Best office hours.

Photography for Business: Jale castanets

It’s no wonder taking pictures of things I had ever thought. In this case I had to take pictures of one of only three companies in Spain that still produce castanets.

Photography for Business: Jale castanets

The manufacturing process is interesting, but my task was  taking pictures of the final product, not how they work, which is a traditional process in which each piece it is reviewed one by one each before being  sent to the clients.

I did some pictures for their web catalog (http://www.castanuelasjale.com). However mostly I was producing some images in a more attractive, more creative profile, which are intented to illustrate the contents that appear on their blog. Inbound marketing, you know. In general, it is much more fun to work on that line than in the system catalog, which is a technically demanding and arduous photography.
Photography for Business: Jale castanets

Photography for Business: Jale castanets

So, well, you had to play around with the light, texture and the most interesting aspects of the curves. It was essential to use lenses with maximum aperture to achieve a more artistic impression. At the end of the day, the castanets will be used by artists. It was not a purely technical issue, but involved an almost artistic profile. So in some of these pictures, I got carried away a bit. Some images were not really useful for what they needed, so I decided that would use them here. I hope you like it.

Meticulous attention to detail

In any case, the fact is that working with a company that provides such personal attention to their product was more interesting than expected. Personal concern that each piece fits what the end customer will find, especially in terms of color is outstanding, and reveals, of course, their interest for customer satisfaction.
Fotografía profesional: Castañuelas Jale 响板 캐스터네츠

Professional Photography: Jale castanets

My name is Sergi Albir. I am a professional photographer. If you need photos for your business or personal photos want, you can find me via e-mail at sergi@archerphoto.eu or by phone, +34 644 459 753, which has both WhatsApp and Telegram. (Photography business: Jale castanets). 摄影师的业务

Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists

Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists

Professional portraits are one of the most interesting jobs that can be performed by a photographer, because if you have a little curiosity, you can learn about people. In this case I was in the office of Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists in Valencia, who are right in Valencia downtown, less than twenty seconds walk from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. That is what I call to be well located.

Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists

But hey, the important fact is that each of them has more than fifteen years of experience in the fields of therapy and coaching, although each of them explained their own specialty technically on their websites:Matti Ameli has http://mattiameli.webnode.es/ while Mar Ortiz has http://consulta-de-psicologia.webnode.es/.
Matti Ameli

In addition to their private practising, Mar and Matti will occasionally collaborate with me on the issue of photo shoots to improve self-esteem. How? Writing some articles related to the topic. It is very interesting to read the opinion of recognised and valued professionals like them, because they have an accurate perspective, guaranteed by their education and experience. It is a privilege for me to have their articles and I am sure that everyone will find them interesting.

Mar Ortiz

I am Sergi Albir, photographer in Valencia, Spain. If you need professional portraits or a photo session to improve your self-esteem, a mail to sergi@archerphoto.eu or a call to +34 644 459 753 may be the first step.

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