Francisco Segarra and N5

Despite not being an expert in gastronomy, here am I again uploading a post related to food. Specifically with N5 (depending where they are showing the name, Nº5, as a “Number 5”), a restaurant in Castellón (Spain) owned by Francisco Segarra, who also dealt with the great image of the restaurant. Africa Laguna and I went to N5 and shot some photos to both of our posts, hers has a bit of additional info about the company and some different pics and it can be read here:

Francisco Segarra and N5

Segarra produces, imports and distributes lots of vintage-looking furniture, especially designed for restaurants and shops. Besides furniture, the company develops complete decoration projects and as a photographer it was a real pleasure to spend a morning with him in his company’s facilities. I told him that many of his creations would fit very well in the Gotham TV series, which is recreating the atmosphere of the city for the young Bruce Wayne, who later became Batman. The TV series is also highly recommended from my humble point of view.

Returning to the subject of food, I took the classic burger which was fabulous, and Francisco recommended I try their Wine Burger, a specific wine to pair with this type of food. I was very pleasantly surprised, although, again, my views on the line gastronomy are so good – or as bad-as anyone.

IMG_6047_small - Hamburguesería N5 en Castellón

IMG_6060_small - Hamburguesería N5 en Castellón

IMG_6108_small - Hamburguesería N5 en Castellón

IMG_6114_small - Hamburguesería N5 en Castellón

Francisco Segarra y N5

Sergi Albir

I am Sergi Albir a professional photographer in Spain. Contact me in or in the phone, +34 644459753, with Whatsapp and Telegram.

Competitions: Bikini Class 2015, Open Héctor Defez in Castellón, Spain

Bikini Class

Bikini Class usually arouses more interest than any other in bodybuilding and fitness championships. It is actually the entry class for women, while men enter into Men’s Fashion or Physique. Or something like that because often classes are named a little different, not to mention that each organizer named as you want. Lately I’ve been to some championships, both AEFF (NAC) and IFBB, which are currently the two most powerful federations, at least in Spain.
In the higher classes, men and women they have more muscle, so there’s always discussions in the public on the tastes of each other on the amount of muscle and how much it motivates each each physical.
I have chosen this competition -the Hector Defez Open (IFBB), held on September 12th 2015 specifically for two reasons: because the level was much higher than that of a standard regional championship and because the winner got a photographic portfolio by me as a prize.

Bikini Class

Claudia Fernández, winner in Open Héctor Defez, in Castellón - Bikini Class
Claudia Fernández, winner in Open Héctor Defez, in Castellón – Bikini Class.
Mónica Santos, in Open Héctor Defez 2015, Bikini class, second place.
Mónica Santos, in Open Héctor Defez 2015, Bikini Class, second place.
Georgina Pedrós, tercer puesto en el Open Héctor Defez.
Georgina Pedrós, third place in Open Héctor Defez.
Miri Calderón en el Open Héctor Defez.
Miri Calderón in Open Héctor Defez.
Yolanda Romero en el Open Héctor Defez.
Yolanda Romero in Open Héctor Defez.

Finally, a picture out of competition. As soon as fhe awards were presented  I was flying to backstage to take a picture of Claudia, the brand new champion, with the check. It is quite logical that just as the championship ends, athletes are wishing some relax and often even go away from the premises, and  I did not want to miss the opportunity.

Claudia Fernández, ganadora de la categoría Bikini
Claudia Fernández con el cheque por un book fotográfico.

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you want to contact me, is the easiest way. You can also try the phone, +34 644459753, with Whatsapp and Telegram.

Night Urban Pictures (I)

Armin Van Buuren in Valencia

Some say there is nothing like film pictures. I may respect fundamentalists of celluloid, but I can not agree. Since we have digital cameras we can work at night with good results without dependence on the flash and tripod. The better our camera, the easier it will be for us. Although night it is not a particularly strange event, in my case, it has a special attraction.


Night Urban Pictures

I like to shoot at night in the city. There are a raising number of amateur astrophotography but it is not my thing. Valencia sky it is too bright because of the light reflected from the streets: excess of ill-designed street lights . So if it’s not a good place to take pictures of the sky, it’s fine to shoot on the street with that excess of luminosity.


One of the key factors is -in addition to working with high ISOs, high luminosity lenses and godd cameras- a steady hand. Personally, I almost never carry a tripod or monopod with me, so I just have to lean against a wall, lamppost or the like to obtain not trepidated photos . My system, apart from the above, is to shootjust after I have emptied my lungs with well placed camera. But it not always works.
Another important issue is knowing that many of the photos will not be fine, but do not fall into despair just for that. After all, only we’ll only show the good ones. In many cases the secret for success of urban and night shots is a matter of patience.

London, Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid are among the cities that I have photographed at night. If you are interested in purchasing any of these pictures in large, you can email me, because I still have not an operative online store.

Fotos urbanas y nocturnas
Canary Wharf, London
Puerto de Valencia de noche
Valencia Port
Apagón. Foto de Sergi Albir, fotógrafo en Valencia.
Blackout in Valencia
Finsbury Park, por Archerphoto, Sergi Albir, fotógrafo para empresas.
Londres, Finsbury Park. Rain.
Madrid, Paseo del Prado. Foto de Sergi Albir, fotógrafo profesional.
Madrid, Paseo del Prado

If you need a professional photographer, forget Jimmy Olsen: my name is Sergi Albir, my phone is +34 644459753 and my e-mail es .


Quique Dacosta Restaurant in Denia

Some things happen even when you’re not ready for them. For business reasons I ended up having dinner at the Quique Dacosta Restaurant, in Denia (Alicante, Spain), and I had the opportunity to meet in person and talk briefly to a photo of him.

Quique Dacosta Restaurant in Denia

Since I am not a person with a special fondness for the art kitchen, I find special merit int the impression the place left me after I ate there. There would be little value in my critical analysis of this restaurant with three Michelin stars because cooking is not, by far, my specialty. The question of taste and experience in organizing local Dacosta is, yes I have to say, an original event perfectly designed, prepared and executed. It is not just eating and discovering textures, shapes and flavors that are out of anybody’s reach when you get used, but this Caceres guy (yes, even the Valencian what vindicate him, Quique Dacosta was born in Jarandilla de la Vera, Caceres) has a clear sense of entertainment and tries to astonish the visitor. In short, despite my limited expertise in matters of food, it’s a great experience.

Here are some pics of my visit to the restaurant, which until 2009 was called the Poblet, and now goes by the name of Quique Dacosta Restaurant. El Poblet is the name of the current Quique Dacosta Valencia restaurant.


Quique Dacosta en su restaurante de Denia.


Arroz ceniza ,Quique Dacosta Restaurant
Ash riceQuique Dacosta Restaurant


Guggenheim Oyster

For more information, it is obviously advisable to go through its website, which includes menus and more info on the two restaurants currently Dacosta owns, one in Valencia and the one I visited in Denia, Alicante.

However, for a more technical perspective, with explanations you can also visit his blog,, which also includes information on other activities Dacosta, as his exhibition at the Valencian Museum Enlightenment and Modernity (Muvim).


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

portrait professional photographer

Such as the mysterious title that heads this post could hide almost anything. Rather not. Rather are some pictures of this year I feel like showing. Some were shot with the EOS 5D Mark III and others with my NX500 that every time I like more. Although the EVIL cameras have their limitations in terms of speed of use (the autofocus is not as fast, and least in my case, because I am usually using manual  lenses and there is nothing like auto-focus with them), I find specially charming it weights a third of my ultra reliable and ultraversatile 5D Mark III.

The point is shooting portraits is one of the disciplines that most attracts us photographers. Though today selfies are very fashionable, the portraits taken by someone else  have additional values. Especially when we photographers shoot, because we look at different ways that most people do not take into account and that factors appear ultimately in the final result. And yes, I have a special fondness for black and white, but I think it’s just a slightly harmful vice, except for some ink manufacturers. In any case, as I hope all the world to see on the computer screen, there is not much problem with it.


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

Fotografp Valencia retrato
Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
Carlos, 2015
Archerphoto: Professional Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
María, 2015


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I ),portrait photographer
Nadia, 2015


María P. by Archerphoto,portrait photographer

I am Sergi Albir, professional portrait photographer. If you need good pictures, contact me. I work mostly in Valencia, Spain, but if you cover the travel expenses you can count on me anywhere it takes. My email: and my phone with Whatsapp and Telegram, +3464459753

Landscapes 101

Landscapes by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain

Photographers are people who carry a camera way too often. So even when they are doing something else, it’s not strange they stop for a while and capture an image.

Landscapes 101

In my case, some of those landscapes can be stored during years. I classify my pictures and file them in the computer. If I am not in a hurry, they won’t be shown until I need to. The idea is having some material to display when I’m out of juice. It seems the moment: I am a professional photographer in Spain. I live in Valencia and it’s nice to shoot here, but I’ve got some pictures from Germany, Slovakia or United Kingdom in my PC. It’s not my usual business work, but it may be useful for finding some different material.



Short term visit, but the Danube was worth a shot. I’d like to come back and see the city with more time to enjoy.

Bratislava, Landscape 1010, by Archerphoto, professional photographer



For me it’s really captivating. Being there with a camera it’s having a great time. Architecture, people, food… It’s simply great. And you can see I have a thing for the rivers. Thames is also a charm.

London, by Archerphoto, professional photographer


Xàtiva (Valencia)

Over a mountain in a summer sunset. It was really hot and I came down on foot. I liked the result.




Mountains, and sky. I let the sea out of this picture.

Landscapes 101 by Archerphoto, photographer in Spain



Moraira (Alicante)

My old IXUS 40 was useful that day. Now I would have shot with my cell phone, but then…

Moraira, 2007


If you need to hire a photographer, well, you found the right guy. A mail (, Whatsapp, Telegram or phone call to +34 6444 5 9753. If you want to see more pictures, please visit my Flickr: Este mismo post en castellano:

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