Quique Dacosta Restaurant in Denia

Some things happen even when you’re not ready for them. For business reasons I ended up having dinner at the Quique Dacosta Restaurant, in Denia (Alicante, Spain), and I had the opportunity to meet in person and talk briefly to a photo of him.

Quique Dacosta Restaurant in Denia

Since I am not a person with a special fondness for the art kitchen, I find special merit int the impression the place left me after I ate there. There would be little value in my critical analysis of this restaurant with three Michelin stars because cooking is not, by far, my specialty. The question of taste and experience in organizing local Dacosta is, yes I have to say, an original event perfectly designed, prepared and executed. It is not just eating and discovering textures, shapes and flavors that are out of anybody’s reach when you get used, but this Caceres guy (yes, even the Valencian what vindicate him, Quique Dacosta was born in Jarandilla de la Vera, Caceres) has a clear sense of entertainment and tries to astonish the visitor. In short, despite my limited expertise in matters of food, it’s a great experience.

Here are some pics of my visit to the restaurant, which until 2009 was called the Poblet, and now goes by the name of Quique Dacosta Restaurant. El Poblet is the name of the current Quique Dacosta Valencia restaurant.


Quique Dacosta en su restaurante de Denia.


Arroz ceniza ,Quique Dacosta Restaurant
Ash riceQuique Dacosta Restaurant


Guggenheim Oyster

For more information, it is obviously advisable to go through its website, which includes menus and more info on the two restaurants currently Dacosta owns, one in Valencia and the one I visited in Denia, Alicante. http://www.quiquedacosta.es/

However, for a more technical perspective, with explanations you can also visit his blog, http://quiquedacosta.blogspot.com.es/, which also includes information on other activities Dacosta, as his exhibition at the Valencian Museum Enlightenment and Modernity (Muvim).


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