Another photo of Vicctoria

professional photographer Spain,commercial photographer Spain,Valencia,Vicctoria

Some photos ask for a lot of work, a lot of light control and a lot of process later. Others simply don’t. Others work perfectly with two or three details that, moreover, come directly to mind as soon as you see them.

That’s why I uploaded this other photo of Vicctoria. It was not one of those we chose at first, but it has a point of intensity that interested me especially, perhaps by expression. We moistened her hair a bit to get the shine and that helps a lot to give life to the image.

On the other hand, the black background and the contrast are key elements for the final result.  Looking out of the picture helps to consider that Vicctoria’s thinking is directed more towards other interests than the camera, the light or the photographic session.However, it is not a totally static pose, and that small movement endows an additional interest to the final result. The original frame was vertical, but I finished with a square photo.

another photo of Vicctoria,otra foto de Vicctoria,fotografo,Valencia,boudoir,professional photographer Valencia,Spain

Overall, this was a photograph we did for a session that was in the boudoir line. It was the first time that Vicctoria and I worked together and the result was, in my opinion, very positive. If you want to see more photos of this type, you can have a look at this post or this gallery . If you just want to see my portraits…

If you would like to have photos like this other photo of Vicctoria, you can send me an email to or send me a Whatsapp to +34 644459753. I shoot in Valencia, but also in Madrid, Barcelona or any other site.

The boring details

On the technical side: ISO 2000, shot with a 50mm f / 1.4 Canon, but f / 1.6, fired in RAW and later processed with Adobe Lightroom. The camera used was my EOS 5D Mark III, and we were using continuous illumination. The clipping used as a featured photo is a little turned up because it looked better, but it’s the same photo.

Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

portrait professional photographer

Such as the mysterious title that heads this post could hide almost anything. Rather not. Rather are some pictures of this year I feel like showing. Some were shot with the EOS 5D Mark III and others with my NX500 that every time I like more. Although the EVIL cameras have their limitations in terms of speed of use (the autofocus is not as fast, and least in my case, because I am usually using manual  lenses and there is nothing like auto-focus with them), I find specially charming it weights a third of my ultra reliable and ultraversatile 5D Mark III.

The point is shooting portraits is one of the disciplines that most attracts us photographers. Though today selfies are very fashionable, the portraits taken by someone else  have additional values. Especially when we photographers shoot, because we look at different ways that most people do not take into account and that factors appear ultimately in the final result. And yes, I have a special fondness for black and white, but I think it’s just a slightly harmful vice, except for some ink manufacturers. In any case, as I hope all the world to see on the computer screen, there is not much problem with it.


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

Fotografp Valencia retrato
Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
Carlos, 2015
Archerphoto: Professional Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
María, 2015


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I ),portrait photographer
Nadia, 2015


María P. by Archerphoto,portrait photographer

I am Sergi Albir, professional portrait photographer. If you need good pictures, contact me. I work mostly in Valencia, Spain, but if you cover the travel expenses you can count on me anywhere it takes. My email: and my phone with Whatsapp and Telegram, +3464459753

Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain

Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain

I am a professional commercial photographer in Valencia, Spain. I also do other things, but I mainly dedicated to making professional photography and video. I’ve tried different kinds of photography: portrait, portfolio, press, fashion, ads, beauty, NGOs, buildings, and I’ve been shooting in different cities. Even in different countries. But most of my work as a professional photographer it has been in Valencia. I’ve got a small studio, but I try to shoot outside whenever I can, because Valencia has a really friendly weather. Our February is an awful month to shoot, but all the rest is really OK. You can find some samples of my pictures in this page, but feel free to ask me if you need to check any particular kind of photography. I’ve got a full archive and I can license most of my pictures if you need them.

Some of  my pics are here, and you can find more of them in my Flickr.

Anna Kurika, actress, in her portfolio with Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Anna Kurika, actress
Professional Commercial Photographer Spain Valencia
Gema, model
Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain


Photographer in Valencia, Spain




Commercial photographer in Spain
Good morning!
Photographer for dancers, models, actresses and actors in Spain
Ava dancing

Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain. If you want pictures, you can contact me via Whatsapp or Telegram in 6444 5 9753 or e-mail: sergi@a
. I am usually in Valencia, Spain, but I usually I move to whatever the place.

professional photographer portrait business spain
Carlos Castelló, actor

More dancing pics

More dancing pics

Yes, it’s one of my weaknesses. The theme of the dance seems to me really attractive and whenever I can, I take pictures on this occasion. In general, the elegance of classical dance is what attracts me, but almost any aspect of it gets my attention, including similar issues, such as gymnastics, are also quite striking for a professional photographer. Both black and white and color, opportunities are often spectacular. In many cases, the most complicated is to capture the moment, but the truth is that given the harmony of the whole movement, although dancers are very demanding clients, for the observer the result is frequently captivating. In this case, the photos are made in Valencia and Castellón, but if you’re in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, London or, indeed, almost anywhere, can talk about the possibility of getting photos.

Photographer for dancers in Spain

Photographer for dance - professional photographer Valencia Spain







I am a professional photographer and you can contact me with an e-mail to , phoning me or sending me a Whatsapp or Telegram in office hours to +34 6444 5 9753.  You can see some additional pics in my gallery.Portfolio for dancers, actresses and athletes, pro and amateur. And also all other kind of pictures.

You can see also pics in my Flickr, usually one new picture a day

10 headshots I did in 2006:

Sometimes it is interesting taking a look back to what you were doing some time ago. I don’t think they are my best pieces of work, but there’s some life in the looks of the people I do like especially. Less process, less shots, less quality lenses and cameras but, however, portraits done with the gear I had in 2006. It seemed enough in that moment :)

Some of them are shot with Fujifilm S9500, some with a Nikon Coolpix 5000 and they determine partially the style I had to take: both of them have a noticeable shutter lag (especially the Coolpix 5000), so you will see the pics are mainly calmed, still. When I moved to DSLRs all I wanted was capturing movement in the right moment, but that’d be in later pictures. It’s very curious because I have had SLRs (a Mamiya ZE  and a Canon EOS 300), so when I moved to digital, I felt terribly frustrated about shutter lag.

10 headshots I did in 2006

Nadia and the blanket - Archerphoto, professional photographer

Nadia and the blanket

Isabel Bayonas - Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Isabel Bayonas
Lucía. Archerphoto, commercial photographer
Nuria. Archerphoto, professional photographer
Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Archerphoto, commercial photographer in Spain
Nadia in a Black Dress - Archerphoto, professional photographer
Nadia in a Black Dress
Professional photographer Spain, Archerphoto
Commercial photographer in Spain, Archerphoto
Professional photographer, Archerphoto

You can find all that pics (and more) in my Flickr page: If you need pictures you can contact me in

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