Competitions: Bikini Class 2015, Open Héctor Defez in Castellón, Spain

Bikini Class

Bikini Class usually arouses more interest than any other in bodybuilding and fitness championships. It is actually the entry class for women, while men enter into Men’s Fashion or Physique. Or something like that because often classes are named a little different, not to mention that each organizer named as you want. Lately I’ve been to some championships, both AEFF (NAC) and IFBB, which are currently the two most powerful federations, at least in Spain.
In the higher classes, men and women they have more muscle, so there’s always discussions in the public on the tastes of each other on the amount of muscle and how much it motivates each each physical.
I have chosen this competition -the Hector Defez Open (IFBB), held on September 12th 2015 specifically for two reasons: because the level was much higher than that of a standard regional championship and because the winner got a photographic portfolio by me as a prize.

Bikini Class

Claudia Fernández, winner in Open Héctor Defez, in Castellón - Bikini Class
Claudia Fernández, winner in Open Héctor Defez, in Castellón – Bikini Class.
Mónica Santos, in Open Héctor Defez 2015, Bikini class, second place.
Mónica Santos, in Open Héctor Defez 2015, Bikini Class, second place.
Georgina Pedrós, tercer puesto en el Open Héctor Defez.
Georgina Pedrós, third place in Open Héctor Defez.
Miri Calderón en el Open Héctor Defez.
Miri Calderón in Open Héctor Defez.
Yolanda Romero en el Open Héctor Defez.
Yolanda Romero in Open Héctor Defez.

Finally, a picture out of competition. As soon as fhe awards were presented  I was flying to backstage to take a picture of Claudia, the brand new champion, with the check. It is quite logical that just as the championship ends, athletes are wishing some relax and often even go away from the premises, and  I did not want to miss the opportunity.

Claudia Fernández, ganadora de la categoría Bikini
Claudia Fernández con el cheque por un book fotográfico.

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you want to contact me, is the easiest way. You can also try the phone, +34 644459753, with Whatsapp and Telegram.

The Fitness Sanctuary

Real Estate photographer Spain Archerphoto

When you are called to shoot some pics of chalet, first thing coming to you is going to be a Real Estate work. I supposed they would want to get the better looks of the building. “They are intending to sell it”, I admit that was my impression when I contacted. The moment I arrived there I was told they are establishing a business consisting in some activities for relaxation and physical improvement, especially weight losing. Their programs include blood tests and different exercise routines, with varied activities, from bike tours to yoga or water aerobics. The Fitness Sanctuary has another division in Tarifa (South of Spain), but I just shot their new place in La Cañada, en Paterna, really close to Valencia City. A big property with lots of space and some pines around.

Their clients are mostly British attracted by the Sun and natural charm of the country. It’s a new tourism business quite innovative, not very known in Spain, so I find it really interesting.

Elliot was who contacted me, and when I was shooting I told him I’d love to post an article in my professional photographer web showing the place and linking his web ( so I could help him to promote it and, all the same, I’d be showing some of my Real Estate pictures.

The Fitness Sanctuary

The Fitness Sanctuary por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en Valencia The Fitness Sanctuary por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en Valencia The Fitness Sanctuary por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional para inmobiliaria The Fitness Sanctuary por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en España The Fitness Sanctuary por  Sergi Albir, Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en Valencia The Fitness Sanctuary por Archerphoto, fotógrafo en Valencia The Fitness Sanctuary por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional para empresas en Valencia The Fitness Sanctuary  (Santuario del fitness) por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en Valencia


To contact with them is easy: their web is .

My name is Sergi Albir and I am a professional photographer. If you need corporate pictures or real estate photography you can reach me via mail to or via cellular, +34 6444 5 9753. Also Whatsapp and Telegram available.


Categories of shots

Categories of shots

Often, when shooting, models tell me about some interesting picture they remember and comment me they would like to have a similar one. My experience shows that people finally will choose other pictures that the ones they suggested 99% of the time because it has achieved a more natural, spontaneous pose. But it happens people want to explain how was the image they liked and have no image available, but they insist on explaining how it was. So it is interesting to know the name of each camera shot. So we can express ourselves more clearly.

Actually, these are conventions that allow us to talk about the pictures, but one should not adhere to these definitions to know if the shot is good, bad or average. If the photo works, it works, even when does not fit well in a name.

Categories of shots

Very Wide Shot

It is used to locate the model (or the subject we are going to shoot) in the context. It is very common using a wide angle lens -they can get a major angle being closer- for this, but I preferred to shoot Ava  with my 135 mm from afar. I had to shout her to hear me.

Very Wide Shot. Ava Meade by Sergi Albir, professional photographer in Spain.

Wide Shot

The same as above, but the context is slightly  less important. In this case, Renata was doing choreography in a bodybuilding and fitness championship. Although there was no way of technical department playing the music that she had been training with she did not lose her smile in any moment.

Renata Ban. Wide Angle Shot, por Archerphoto, photographer in Spain.

American Shot (Medium Long Shot)

Roughly from the knees. In this pic we can appreciate the nice figure of Roser, but we avoid in this the fan foot and the light stands, and everything else that was in the bottom. 

American Shot. Roser, by Archerphoto, photographer for business in Spain.

Medium Shot

There are two variants from Medium Shot. Roughly chest level or slightly below. Mary’s hair has the maximum prominence with this frame.

Medium Shot. María, by Archerphoto. Video and photography in Spain.

Medium Close Shot

I said, a little above or a little below, the average plane can start from the hip or the sternum. Jessica, in this case appears in an example of the short version of the shot.

Jéssica. Shots in photography and filmmaking. By Archerphoto, corporate photography and video production in Spain.


Close Up

The face is the protagonist, and the look is key. Patricia was fantastic throughout the session, and this was one of the last shots.

Patricia, by Archerphoto. Pro photographer in Europe.

Extreme Close Up

Even closer. Ana’s eyes were particularly interesting, so this framing is thoroughly justified. Some people call it “the Italian Shot”.

Italian Shot. Ana Peris, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain.

Cut in

Obviously here we seek to capture some detail in particular: in this case, the dress designed by Anillarte is noteworthy.

Detail by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain.

By camera placement

Bird Shot

You shoot from a position above the subject. Joana in this case has focused the face and the rest of the body is losing definition, but it is a photographer’s choice (myself, of course). 
Bird's Eye Shot. Joana, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain.

Low Angle Shot

You shoot from below the head of the subject. Some times, from below the hip. I selected this plane in which he showed a little gem with a forced angle, but in many cases is less exaggerated angle shot.

Low Angle Shot. Gema, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain, Europe.

Aerial or Zenithal

From above 90 ° soil. Usually uncomfortable shoot well, but Marijose is splendid in this shot with some dramatic tone. 

Aerial Shot. Marijose, by Archerphoto, pro photographer and videographer in Spain.I am a professional photographer. If you need good pictures, contact me. I usually work in Valencia, Spain, but if you cover the travel expenses you can count on me to the South Pole. My mail: , my phone with Whatsapp and Telegram, +34644459753


Four red pictures

Red nuts and bolts by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Europe.

In case anyone had not noticed, lately when I have a lot of time, or simply I don’t feel like writing a long post, I choose some photos previously edited and show them. In this case the criterion is the color red. Despite what one would have thought, I have not jumped to display pictures of redhead models, but I have opted for other things. In any case, I have pictures to show more red, so there will be similar posts in the future.

Four red pictures

The first photo is the wall of a grocery store near my home in Valencia. It has a red and light, with that, bokeh, contrast and diagonal composition the result is somehow catchy.

In this case, a play about the legend of Tombatossals a mythical giant that contributed to the foundation of Castellón. The clear red light tinted everything, and the result is obvious.

At the port, some old machinery repainted in such an indelicate manner may be attractive to photograph.

A clean new Ferrari to admire. I do not feel particularly proud to surrender to its charms, but sometimes a professional photographer is human. Sometimes.

If you need professional photos in Valencia, Madrid, Alicante and elsewhere, or a message to +34 6444 May 9753 for Whatsapp or Telegram. Photography for companies, individuals and institutions.

Circus photography

Archerphoto, circus photos, professional photographer in Spain

Circus photography

It was a while since I went to the circus, but I was invited to the Circo Gran Fele (in Valencia, Spain) and, of course, had to shoot there. That  flying trapeze artists is a fact that had always interested me do. I do not mean pictures, but to actually do it. But my athletic skills were limited when I was young and now they are not lacking, but honestly, I can do little more than jump over a trench or get on a branch to do some weird photo. Little more. So, it’s good to see people doing impossible things up there that I find really captivating. And from below, with 135mm, and considering that lighting crew is only illuminating them, if you’re around, you can take some interesting images.

Still, I’m more interested in backstage photos, and I’m working on the possibility to take pictures there rehearsing, and during the performance. If I succeed, I will put in here, obviously. For now, a few pictures on the trapeze are a small sample of what I did.


If you liked the pictures and you need some kind of photography, as you can imagine, I am a professional photographer. I am working mainly in Valencia, but go where needed. My email is and you can also contact me by Telegram or WhatsApp in 644459753

This post is also available in Spanish:

Circus photos by Archerphoto, photographer in Spain


Blue tones

Blue tones, by Archerphoto, professional photographer.

Sorting pictures by color is whimiscal, but, uh, you do not always have a state of mind to be making very deep reflections about the universe, so I decided to choose a few photos in which blue is the dominant tone, put them together and make a post. I was thinking of making a long dissertation about the blueness, its effects on mood, its aesthetic value and so on. At one point, I preferred to take a nap, because that was going to stimulate my creative ability much more than the writing, and then I came to the following thought: if you really need to know much about the blue, Wikipedia it: http: //es.wikipedia. org / wiki / Blue

Soon I’ll have these pictures for sale on an online store that I’m preparing. These pictures and almost any other I’ve published, so if you’ve thought about having an original work of Archerphoto in your dining room, bedroom or even your bathroom, it is possible that your time is near. The idea is that they can be the size you need, from an inch to about two meters high. That said, here are four photos with blue tones made by me sometime. At the end of the article it is how to find me. It is also in the contact section, quite easy to find.

Blue tones

Canary Wharf, Londres. Blue tones
Canary Wharf, Londres
Skyline Valencia, online pictures store. Blue tones.
Skyline Valencia
Fotógrafo profesional Valencia, decoración. Cuatro fotos con tonos azules.
Veles e Vents
Fotografías azules, Archerphoto
Se Alkila en directo

If you need professional photos in Valencia, Madrid, Alicante and elsewhere, or a message to +34 6444 5 9753 for Whatsapp or Telegram

Showreel 2015

Corporate Video in Spain and all Europe

Corporate video in Spain by English speaking professional photographer - Showreel 2015


I try to post mostly photography related info, but when I have a video to show, it’s not a bad idea, as long as it is part of the services I offer as a professional photographer. I will have this info in my menu, and I will be offering corporate video -as I have been in previous years- for both national and international clients. If you need a corporate video you may want to contact us. Mostly with a reasonable investment you can achieve optimal results: nowadays it is very simple having video, just need a smartphone, but having  good images and quality content requires working with professionals.

Just a comment about the brands that appear in these videos, Jalalala SL is our company and Archerphoto is the registered brand we use. In 2008 reel we had the collaboration of Guillermo Barreira, who occasionally works with us.

Corporate video

Timelapse, fiction, premises, corporate video and events, we can take charge of your image efficiently. All parts of a production: permits,script, make up, casting or edition. We have also professionals ready to write and record original music, if you need it, or affordable alternatives. Also speakers in Spanish or English, subtitles, etc. Let us help you to produce your video: even when we are a small production company, you can check our results.

Showreel 2015

Please, click here:

I am a professional photographer and video producer. Photography, video and other contents. If you need to contact me,, call or message me to +34 644459753 (Whatsapp amd Telegram available). Si necesitas información en castellano, por favor pasa por

Materials: looking closely

Repairs, by Archerphoto, commercial photographer

It is not uncommon in waiting times, or when you go walking around the street with a camera in hand you find different materials that may be of interest to get a photo. Sometimes they can be used for assembly or make sense per se.

Materials: looking closely

Often, as a photographer, I simply take the photo and then, at home, I’ll see if it makes any sense. And “after” may be when well passed four years. Sure, it’s not always so, but the fact that I have saved and classified pictures properly helps a lot, especially when I have to design a poster or some work with more than an image. What is problematic, I admit, is getting all pictures and videos stored and properly tagged. For a couple of years’m using specific software for classification and tagging and helps dramatically: it increases the profitability of the work already done, but then the trouble to go tagging everything I’ve done over the years that did not have those programs is far from over.

Returning to the photographic subject, different materials can provide interesting textures: wood, glass, metal … In many cases have a macro lens will help but is not essential. A simple 50 1.4 can help a lot.

Materials. Stone. By Archerphoto, pro photographer in Valencia.
Wood and screw, by Archerphoto, commercial photographer in Spain
Wood and screw
Materials. Broken glass, by Archerphoto, professional photographer.
Broken glass
Materials, by Archerphoto, photographer for businesses in Spain
Sand, water and a shell
Rusted metal by Archerphoto, commercial and corporate photographer in Spain.
Rusted metal

Finally, after a few examples,  a little extra information about me. I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. Usually working in Valencia (Spain) but I go almost anywhere whether to take pictures. You can contact by mail to,  Telegram, or Whatsapp or +34 644459753. Sometimes I don’t pick up the phone because I’m taking photos and I only have one pair of hands.

Valencia Central Market Neighborhood: Barri del Mercat

One of the neighborhoods in central Valencia. The Barri del Mercat, or Market Neighborhood , is the nearest to the Central Market, which itself is a remarkable piece of modernist architecture. The neighborhood is not like that, but are rather humble dwellings mixed with occasional palaces. This space was an extramural suburb in the Arab Valencia, which had its wall in the current Caballeros street, where some parts of the wall remain integrated within existing buildings . Until the fourteenth century the neighborhood remained outside Valencia, but became integrated with the construction of the outer city wall. Next to the current Central there was a mosque, which gave way around 1240 to Santos Juanes church. That same church was rebuilt some centuries after.

Valencia Central Market Neighborhood: Barri del Mercat

Barri del Mercat by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia

Barri del Mercat by Archerphoto, professional photographer Valencia Spain

Barri del Mercat, Iglesia Santos Juanes by Archerphoto, professional photographer Valencia Spain

Barri del Mercat, by Archerphoto, commercial photographer Spain

Barri del Mercat, Mercat Central, by Archerphoto, photographer in Valencia

The neighborhood also houses the Llotja Mercaders or Lonja de la Seda, world’s greatest example of civil Gothic. Declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco, was started to be built by Pere Compte on the very concept of Llotja de Mallorca, and it is an indicative of the commercial revolution during the late Middle Age in the city of Valencia.

Both the Central Mercat as Llotja deserve its own post, but for now, we will release some detail.

Barri del Mercat, Llotja, by Archerphoto, pro photographer in Valencia, Spain

Barri del Mercat, Llotja, by Archerphoto, professional commercial photographer in Valencia, Spain

Barri del Mercat, Llotja, by Archerphoto, commercial photographer in Spain

Barri del Mercat, Llotja, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain

Barri del Mercat, by Archerphoto, professional photographer for business in Valencia

More info about the Llotja:

Sergi Albir.

Copyright Sergi Albir 2014. If you need a professional photographer in Spain, feel free to contact me:

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