Welcome to Archerphoto commercial photographer website

This is my English-speaking website: Archerphoto commercial photographer. My name is Sergi Albir, I am Spanish (I live in Valencia, Spain), so you may find some odd-looking English in these pages. Please be patient and if you just can’t stand one of my mistakes, please send me an e-mail and I will correct that one.

I am a Spanish professional photographer and writer (and producer) who does love pictures, images, movies and all these things. One of my main activities is shooting portfolios for incoming models. I encourage you to come to Spain and shoot with me, take a look and, if you’re interested, ask me for a quote.

Feel free to look all the pictures. Hope that you will like them! Of course, you can find me in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ArcherphotoinEnglish)

Archerphoto self portrait
Archerphoto self portrait

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