Carmen Álvarez videobook

Carmen Álvarez Videobook Valencia

August was finishing and I was shooting a session that was intended to be a fairly quick question but we ran lengthening lot. We were so into job with the look of ballet that lasted nearly twice as expected. We had prepared it enough, with outfits by Nadia Alba and Carmen Alvarez as a model, and the results were pretty good. However, a problem of saturation of work, I could not get it to this blog, but I showed some photos on Flickr and Facebook and Nadia made her post, I recommend that you read after seeing this entire article (if you speak Spanish. If you don’t the pics are OK, and Google Translate can be an option). However, here it is Carmen Álvarez videobook.

While there are many photos available, Nadia hadn’t the videobook we did for Carmen. It’s a little fashion film and a little videobook. But even if half of those things, I do not see a problem because all serves as a sample of what can be achieved with a few days of intensive work.

Carmen Álvarez en la sesión de su videobook

One of the noteworthy things about this video is that we were testing a Panasonic VX980, which has not given a bad result. It’s not like working with a DSLR, but is much more comfortable in terms of autofocus, it’s lighter and generally more intuitive. In terms of quality it works well enough as long as we do not get into almost total darkness. For photos, as usual, my EOS 5D Mark III. We were shooting in Valencia, Spain. You may have seen some of this place in movies like Tomorrowland and you will see it in Doctor Who.

Carmen Álvarez videobook. Ballet look.
Carmen Álvarez

Here, in addition to the video, are some of the photos we did and did not use it in Nadia’s post. Probably this gallery will be expanded because there is more material that I’ll love showing from the same session.

I am Sergi Albir. I make professional content: photo, video, radio and more. If you need quality material to social media or advertising, you can contact me on +34 644 459 753 or


Photography for dancers and ballerinas

Dance photography Spain, Archerphoto

Photography for dancers and ballerinas

Photography for dancers

Ballerinas and dancers are probably the most grateful work for a professional photographer. All kind of dancers are really interesting, each discipline has its own charms to offer. While photographers needs special efforts to get the results,  the vision, if correctly executed will offer harmony, detail, subtlety and energy. When one begins to process photos related to dance, if things went fairly well, has time available to choose among many possibilities.

Obviously, for optimum results it is essential looking for a full set of details: makeup, costumes, position, attitude and self-criticism of all team members are factors that help a lot to end up having a good finish. In my case, here I have shown some pictures of Judith and Ava, who have different profiles: Judit is a jazz dancer and many other styles, and Ava, who is younger, and is a classical ballerina. Finally, a picture from Dominique Gerdum, a fitness athlete.

Photography for dancers and ballerinas - Archerphoto, dance photography Spain
Ava Meade, ballerina


Photography for dancers and ballerinas
Ava Meade – Ballet and contemporary dance.
Dance photography Spain, Archerphoto
Ava Meade

In photography for dancers is not only important to the whole person during the dance, but there are many details in different moments-such as warming up, placing the pointe shoes or makeup – that can be cause for great pictures.

Actually, video can also be even more interesting for the dancers, and here is a sample of one of the work I did in this line. Not exactly affordable for everyone, but it illustrates the capabilities of the interpreter. The video illustrates the evolution of learning. In the first step, clumsy, but Judit will then deftly showing the different styles in which he is an expert.

D. from Sergi Albir on Vimeo.

Photography for dancers and ballerinas
Photography for dancers and ballerinas – Judit Triguero, jazz and salsa.

If you’ve decided you need a portfolio, mail me to or give us a call -or send Whatsapp or Telegram message- in work hours to +34 6444 5 9753. Puedes ver muestras en la galería. Portfolio for ballerinas, dancers and actresses, professional or amateur.

My flickr has lot of pics: one a day

Photography for dancers and ballerinas
Dominique Gerdum – Fitness dancing

More dancing pics

More dancing pics

Yes, it’s one of my weaknesses. The theme of the dance seems to me really attractive and whenever I can, I take pictures on this occasion. In general, the elegance of classical dance is what attracts me, but almost any aspect of it gets my attention, including similar issues, such as gymnastics, are also quite striking for a professional photographer. Both black and white and color, opportunities are often spectacular. In many cases, the most complicated is to capture the moment, but the truth is that given the harmony of the whole movement, although dancers are very demanding clients, for the observer the result is frequently captivating. In this case, the photos are made in Valencia and Castellón, but if you’re in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, London or, indeed, almost anywhere, can talk about the possibility of getting photos.

Photographer for dancers in Spain

Photographer for dance - professional photographer Valencia Spain







I am a professional photographer and you can contact me with an e-mail to , phoning me or sending me a Whatsapp or Telegram in office hours to +34 6444 5 9753.  You can see some additional pics in my gallery.Portfolio for dancers, actresses and athletes, pro and amateur. And also all other kind of pictures.

You can see also pics in my Flickr, usually one new picture a day

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