Carrusel Deportivo: pictures of radio people

It’s been many years on the radio. I just love it. I have done many hours and I have had enough fun. I walked around Madrid and called Miguel Coll to lunch. Bad luck, because he was leaving for Alicante. But he asked me if I wanted to get to the studio to taking photos the next day to Carrusel Deportivo, which in case anyone does not know, is the most important sports program in Spain. Actually, probably the most important program in Spain. Period. And, uh, I had never been to the studios of Gran Vía de la SER, so I did not hesitate to go see the team led by Dani Garrido. Juan Ochoa, Ponseti …

Dani Garrido in SER studios, in Madrid, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain.
Dani Garrido.

I love taking pictures of people working. And especially with radio people, because, in addition to being very expressive and intense, they can not escape. They’re sitting around doing stuff, buddy, and that, that’s great for a photographer. You know they will fall, at one time or another, in an interesting gesture, a look, a hand, a breath, a smile … Like fishing in a barrel. Well I think. Fishing and I run parallel paths. I have never been interested and the times when, as a child, they tried to make me fish, the failure was discouraging.

Anyway, I went to the studios of Gran Vía to Madrid to do a lot of photos on Saturday, February 18, 2017 and I really enjoyed watching both these cracks work and shooting freely there. Both they and the technical team are undoubtedly the best of Spanish radio, and also people who have a splendid work environment, despite how complicated it is to run such a program.

Carrusel Deportivo: pictures of radio people

As I told you, here you have the pictures, all of the processed in black and white just because I felt like that.

My name is Sergi Albir. I’m a professional photographer. If you want to contact me,, o +34 644459753.

Copyright Sergi Albir 2017

Portraits, portfolios and personal pictures

Portraits, portfolios and personal pictures

Portraits, portfolios and personal pictures

One of the things that I’ve heard before a session is this: “I don’t look good in pictures”. Actually, you may blame it simply on not finding the right person to capture the image. Today is very easy accessing to a camera with sufficient quality, but it’s a bit trickier to find people who know how to handle the situation to capture a good image. And the question is not necessarily technically how to handle the camera, but treat the person, use light, consider (or disprove) the environment. A professional photographer will take into account each and every one of these factors, plus many others: we are often loaded with different lenses, which work especially well in certain circumstances. We sometimes use flash or continuous lighting. Other times we recommend that you change your clothes or location. A professional photographer will devote enough time and attention. No wonder kick better result than a person who spends 12 seconds on the photo and puts all settings automatically. Even the best camera lacks most of the things you want for a great picture.

Retratos, books y fotos personales

But the matter does not end there: the subsequent process is also relevant. And although today many people have access to appropriate software to edit the pictures, so few have adequate capacity to use them. And, again, it is not a technique but a matter of sensitivity and taste. In many cases the photographs are standardized with the application of filters Instagram or misdeeds are created with HDR (High Dynamic Range). And, in addition to this, some people perpetrate dreadful collages spoiling what could have been a good photo.

Retratos, books y fotos personales

I am a professional photographer. If you need pics, feel free to contact me, my e-mail , and my Whatsapp and Telegram: +34 6444 5 9753. There are samples of my work in my gallery. Portraits, portfolios and personal pictures. I am a photographer in Valencia, but I do work wherever you need me :)

You can also check my Flickr, where I usually upload one pic a day

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