Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona…

Alexandra in Madrid - Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona... - professional photographer

Although I mainly work as a photographer in Valencia , sometimes I take the camera and go to another city to shoot some pictures. It is usually a small challenge. It involves traveling, changing from the usual environment (“leaving the comfort zone”, some call it) and getting in the mood that everything is going to be a little different.

Photo books in London, Madrid, Barcelona ...
Inma in Canary Wharf

In fact, and leaving aside that one has to do a previous job of thinking about locations, the process is very similar and I do appreciate a change of scenery.

Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona …

As you can imagine,  I always expect  working out because it always seems that I will be able to see a bit of the city. Of course, you see some places, but the most usual thing is that you mentally note many of the places to visit them at another time. During the session there is a lot of work to do. But it is not very different. In addition, it find very important to bear in mind that in a portfolio for models, regardless where it is shot, a relevant part of the work, such as the selection and editing of the photos will be carried out in the usual computer. I do not usually travel with the laptop and edit in the place of the session. It is better to see the photos with the best screen, the best size and with the right tools.

There are many cities in Europe where I have not shot any portfolio and I would love it. Edinburgh, Berlin, Rome, Lisbon, Santiago or Paris are among my objectives. So if you want photos there it will be especially easy to convince me.

I am Sergi Albir and, as I said, I usually work as a photographer in Valencia. But wherever you are, if you want to contact me for a photo book, sergi@archerphoto.eu is the easiest and fastest, and my phone with WhatsApp is +34 644459753.

Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona…

Read about Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona… in Spanish in my website, Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en Valencia.

Carrusel Deportivo: pictures of radio people

It’s been many years on the radio. I just love it. I have done many hours and I have had enough fun. I walked around Madrid and called Miguel Coll to lunch. Bad luck, because he was leaving for Alicante. But he asked me if I wanted to get to the studio to taking photos the next day to Carrusel Deportivo, which in case anyone does not know, is the most important sports program in Spain. Actually, probably the most important program in Spain. Period. And, uh, I had never been to the studios of Gran Vía de la SER, so I did not hesitate to go see the team led by Dani Garrido. Juan Ochoa, Ponseti …

Dani Garrido in SER studios, in Madrid, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain.
Dani Garrido.

I love taking pictures of people working. And especially with radio people, because, in addition to being very expressive and intense, they can not escape. They’re sitting around doing stuff, buddy, and that, that’s great for a photographer. You know they will fall, at one time or another, in an interesting gesture, a look, a hand, a breath, a smile … Like fishing in a barrel. Well I think. Fishing and I run parallel paths. I have never been interested and the times when, as a child, they tried to make me fish, the failure was discouraging.

Anyway, I went to the studios of Gran Vía to Madrid to do a lot of photos on Saturday, February 18, 2017 and I really enjoyed watching both these cracks work and shooting freely there. Both they and the technical team are undoubtedly the best of Spanish radio, and also people who have a splendid work environment, despite how complicated it is to run such a program.

Carrusel Deportivo: pictures of radio people

As I told you, here you have the pictures, all of the processed in black and white just because I felt like that.

My name is Sergi Albir. I’m a professional photographer. If you want to contact me, sergi@archerphoto.eu, o +34 644459753.

Copyright Sergi Albir 2017

Gamergy 2016, eSports in Madrid

Gamergy 2016

Last weekend (24, 25 and 26 June) was held Gamergy 2016. This is an eSports event held in Madrid, Spain. Particularly in IFEMA. Electronic Sports – eSports – are growing much too fast. Events are becoming ever more spectacular: the competition is becoming much audience who behaves with increasing enthusiasm. It was worth uploading some photos, including some players of Valencia CF eSports, the first football club in Spain which launches its eSports division, starting with a Hearthstone team (The Fallen, Evangelion, Nara and Josemi_HS), they are planning a Rocket League team and is rumored to be major news soon. However, the adaptation of eSports to sport has been faster in the more negative aspects: the number of gossip, lies, hoaxes and inventions displayed per second is spectacular. This has not been an exception in Gamergy 2016.

Priority for League of Legends

Gamergy attention was focuesd in LoL, League of Legends, for which a quite spectacular stadium was mounted. Not very big, but quite interesting. It was filled to the brim already in the semifinals, and just the same in the final match. The rest of the eSports was not given much ground but the general atmosphere was very positive. FIFA 16, Call of Duty, Clash Royale, Street Fighter, and even a section of retro games. An oasis for gamers and curious and interesting number of cosplayers, who had a stage mounted for your photos. Also some demonstrations of virtual reality booths and shops, as in any similar event.


Gamergy 2016,LOL

Gamergy 2016

Gamergy 2016

Gamergy 2016,cosplay

Gamergy 2016,cosplay

Gamergy 2016,cosplay

Gamergy 2016,League of Legends,LOL

Gamergy 2016,eSports

Gamergy 2016

Gamergy 2016,gaming

If you don’t have enough photos in https://www.facebook.com/VCFeSports/photos/?tab=album&album_id=478503442349066 you will find more of my Gamergy 2016 pics.

I am Sergi Albir. I take pictures. And videos. And so on, as you can imagine. If you need to hire, sergi@archerphoto.eu is a good idea and +34 644459753, too.

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