Green! Verd! Verde! 绿色

Green. Copyright Sergi Albir 2015

It is time to upload a few pictures with the green as the protagonist. Okay, a lot of floor and all that, but it’s only logical. Green meant death for Lorca, but for almost everyone else it has very different implications. In fact, just the opposite, vitality, exuberance and even energy, by its intensity. In any case, this post is only an excuse to choose a little of what I feel like teaching. Interestingly, it is probably the color, along with the yellow, more scarce in my photos. I hope no one has chlorophyll intoxication …

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A few leaves of any tree.

Hojas verdes, por Archerphoto, fotógrafo en España

A snake.


Green Park, London.

Verde en Green Park, Londres

Takumar 50 1.4 and EOS 5D Mark II. Please do not this at home. Do not do this at home: the mirror touches the lens and can be damaged, so I had to buy another 50 1.4, this time from Canon …
Verde, por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en España
Takumar 50 1.4 and EOS 5D Mark II.  Again. I was too eager of using this lens and the camera could have been damaged, but I was lucky. Not willing to give it another try.

Jugando con el Takumar 50 1.4

A pic shot with my NX500 strictly overprocessed. But, eh, I liked the idea and the result is funny. A simple led light under a damaged glass with some experimental mojito in it and, voilà, you’ve got a pic to exaggerate in Lightroom. Being a photographer is sometimes great…

Green light

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you have to contact me, a Whatsapp or Telegram at +34 6444 5 9753 or an email to is enough for us to start working. I am a photographer in Valencia, but I work where necessary.

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